Jenny follows the adventures of a young Air Force spouse determined to overcome the challenges of a military lifestyle. Drawn from the real lives of both contributors and the cartoonist, Jenny's experiences reflect the humor, ingenuity, and sheer determination necessary to be successful as the spouse of an active duty military member.
Blog, blog, blog
I opened this Blogspot account to keep the readers of "Jenny" up-to-date on details involving the strip and/or military spouses.
My name is Julie Negron. I'm the creator of "Jenny", the only comic strip about life as a military spouse. "Jenny" is a weekly newspaper strip published worldwide by Stars & Stripes and approximately 50 military publications. A few years ago, I was relocated to Okinawa, Japan, courtesy of the USAF, and have since resided in a military housing unit. "Jenny" is largely based on my personal experiences as a military spouse because the fun never ends and I have no choice but to cartoon about it. I've been a freelance editorial and single-panel cartoonist for about twenty years...and a comic strip cartoonist for the last three years. Being a cartoonist is all I've ever wanted to do and I hope to be able to continue for many years to long as the ideas hold out...and the eyesight...and the hands...! Oh well, bear with me and we'll take this journey together. Cheers! ~ j
Awww... how adorable. My Navy bf and I just got a Great Pyrenees puppy on Friday (in addition to my two greyhounds).
I loooove puppy breath! :)
sooooooo adorable!!!
Just wanted to let you know that I'm giving your blog the "You made my day" award. If you'd like it, you can get it from my blog :)
savvyprchick! i was going back over old posts and i hope i responded to you on this! because you made my day, too!
Definitely she is a cutest puppy ever...Nice picture there... love it...:D
Heated Pet Beds
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